Welcome to the consultation website for the proposed regeneration of the B&Q site in Cricklewood.
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The principle of new homes, shops and commercial space here was established in 2023 when, after a long planning journey, an outline planning application was approved by the Planning Inspectorate and the former Secretary of State, Michael Gove.
Whilst the number of building plots and their maximum heights has already been agreed – alongside the number of new homes which can be built here – construction work cannot begin until a Reserved Matters Application (RMA) has been developed to provide the detail of the proposals, in line with the parameter plans and design guide set by the outline permission. The application will include details of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale and is due to be submitted in spring 2025.
To help bring the vision for the future of this site to life, the reserved matters application consultation and engagement process is underway to encourage the local community to continue the conversation.
There are three main areas where the local community can currently influence the regeneration of Cricklewood B&Q, outlined further below.
Landscaping, Open Spaces & Playspaces
The B&Q site occupies a central location in Cricklewood, adjacent to the railway and high street. This presents a great opportunity for improvement, both in terms of new public spaces, urban greening and biodiversity, and connectivity for walkers and cyclists.
A vital component of this is the improvement works to Cricklewood Green, to enhance the space and optimise its use as a community asset. With landscape architects Gillespies as part of our team, we want to work with you to develop the landscaping strategy.
The proposals seek to create a place where existing and new residents can meet, exercise and relax. This will be facilitated by the introduction of green open spaces, new pedestrian footpaths, cycle routes and vibrant playspaces for younger children, teenagers and young adults. As the local experts, your feedback is key in connecting these proposals into the wider Cricklewood landscape to ensure the space is welcoming, functional and safe.
As part of this, we welcome your feedback on the design of new pedestrian and cycle routes through and across the site, and how the site should best link to our closest residential and commercial neighbours.

Commercial Uses
The proposed improvements to Cricklewood Green extend into the surrounding ground floor spaces, which are allocated in the outline permission as commercial and retail uses. This will form an extension to the existing high street, set back behind Cricklewood Green which will hold its position as the central public space.
The outline permission indicates the potential for a healthcare facility within this space, demand for which will be determined through engagement with the NHS. The design of the remaining commercial and retail spaces will be developed through the RMA. We strongly welcome input from local residents on the need and demand within the community, to help inform the detailed proposals.
Architectural Approach
Whilst the outline planning permission agreed the principle of up to 1,049 new homes across four buildings in a range of heights on the site, the appearance of these buildings remains one of the areas that will be progressed as part of the RMA.
Award-winning architectural practice AHMM are leading on this work and through exhibitions, a proposed Working Group and community meetings, we want to understand your thoughts on the character and materiality of the buildings and how we can ensure that new buildings relate to the local context.
Contact information
If you have any further questions then please feel free to get in contact with the consultation engagement team by:
Email: BandQCricklewood@cavendishconsulting.com
Phone: 020 3398 1590