During the outline planning process, Montreaux sold the site, which is now owned by Urban Cricklewood Developments Ltd who are progressing to the next stage of planning. A delivery partner is not yet on board to develop the proposals.
The outline planning application was submitted by Montreaux but the company name has changed. What happened to Montreaux?
Who will develop the site?
Currently, Urban Cricklewood Developments are working with an expert team to prepare a Reserved Matters Application (RMA) to follow with the detail that will deliver the vision for the site, which was secured by the outline planning permission.
One or more delivery partners will be brought on board to deliver the four approved buildings, once the RMA is completed. In the meantime, we are committed to working with the community through this next stage of the process.
Can the outline planning approval be revoked?
The outline planning permission cannot be revoked. It has been assessed for its compliance with local and national policies and approved as acceptable development within the maximum parameters for the site in terms of the number of buildings plots, individual building heights, the maximum number of homes that can be delivered here and the affordable provision.
How will the local community be consulted on the RMA proposals?
We recognise that the outline planning application was controversial locally, regionally and nationally. We are committed to delivering a robust programme of local consultation in the coming weeks and months, including meetings with community groups, local elected representatives, individual adjacent neighbours and the wider community. We will be holding two rounds of formal consultation, with one taking places before Christmas and a second early next year. There will be an opportunity to engage in-person as well as via online to allow as many people as possible to get involved.
We are also legally bound to create a Community Engagement Working Group during any construction phase, but we would like to begin this Group at a much earlier stage, during this application’s pre-submission phase to maximise input into the scheme from local residents.
If you are interested in playing a role in this Group do let us know. We aim to make this group representative of the local community, and a focus for detailed discussions on the remaining ‘reserved matters’ that need to be agreed to see this site’s vision delivered.
What is your proposed approach to architecture?
Using the indicative design from the outline planning application, our project architects – AHMM – are working hard in collaboration with the planning and design officers at Barnet Council, and the Quality Review Panel (QRP) to ensure the architectural approach and materiality are of a high-quality suitable for this scheme, and for Cricklewood.
The vision for the proposed development is grounded in core values of high-quality design and sustainability using the site’s location, history, and character to guide the approach. It aims to make optimal use of the Site’s urban characteristics while thoughtfully responding to its context. The project considers the spatial needs of residential and commercial operators, seeks to create a positive socio-economic impact, fosters a vibrant neighbourhood, and addresses the needs and expectations of the existing and emerging communities in Cricklewood, LBB, and London
We would like to hear more from you in terms of what materials would you like to see used, and what you would like the finished scheme to look like.
What is your proposed approach to landscaping?
The site will deliver new public open spaces that are playful and enhance biodiversity, as well as delivering significant improvements to Cricklewood Green. New high-quality routes will also be delivered for pedestrians and cyclists, through this town centre location. We want to hear your views on how the public spaces should be designed to meet the community’s needs and how pedestrian and cycle routes should be laid out.
What is your proposed approach to heritage and public art?
This site and Cricklewood more widely has a rich history; we want to ensure that our plans respect and respond to local historic buildings and the area’s wider heritage.
We also believe there are locations on the boundary of and within the scheme to include innovative public art. We are committed to working with Network Rail to create new public art and lighting on the underside of Cricklewood Lane Railway.
What would you like to see about the area’s history reflected in this site’s future?
What is your proposed approach to commercial and retail spaces?
Our plans seek to continue the high street, with an active ground floor comprising up to 1,200 sqm of new commercial space agreed as part of the outline planning application. This could include healthcare provision, shops, cafés and other commercial uses.
But first we want to hear from the community about what they would like to see.
What do you want to see included, and what do you not want to see?
How would you like to see these locations managed and maintained?
Will the development include a GP or healthcare facilities?
One of the commercial spaces has been prioritised for healthcare services. We are engaging with the NHS to establish whether they have a need for healthcare provision to come forward in this location.
What is your proposed approach to construction management?
The approach to construction management will be detailed in the Construction and Environmental Management Plan (CEMP), which will be submitted prior to commencement of work, by way of a condition discharge.
To minimise construction-related disruptions, the CEMP will detail measures to manage noise, dust, and traffic management. This includes limiting construction hours and managing access routes and parking; using dust, noise and vibrations suppression techniques; and implementing interim car parking arrangements. A dedicated point of contact will be established for residents to discuss concerns and stay updated on construction schedules
What are your views on the creation of a public toilet at the Cricklewood Playground, Kara Way?
We are not intending to provide a public toilet that would serve the nearby playground, as our view is that the unit could potentially encourage anti-social behaviour.
Are there any other community assets in the area that you would like to see improved?
What security measures will be implemented to prevent anti-social behaviour?
The promotion of positive activity and increased passive surveillance from new and existing residents will reduce anti-social behaviour around the site. Lighting will also be carefully designed to ensure safe, appropriately lit pathways, and there will be a concierge on-site 24/7 to manage any issues that arise.
Will you work with Tepbrook to close the fence up that leads onto Kara way?
Whilst we understand that the fence serves as a shortcut, we are committed to consulting with the local community and working with Tepbrook to find a solution to the fence which has become a health and safety concern.
Are any changes to the local road network proposed as part of the development?
No, the current local road network will stay the same. We will however be presenting plans for the access into and out of the development for pedestrians, vehicles and cyclists.
What is the planned cycling provision for the site?
Secure cycle storage is proposed within the apartment buildings, to encourage residents to utilise the existing cycleways surrounding the area. The provision of cycle parking spaces will be in line with London Plan policies.
Who will be responsible for managing the green spaces?
This is something that is yet to be finalised. However, it is anticipated that this will either be through a private management company or the local authority if there is interest to be involved in the management of the spaces.
When is the reserved matters application going to be submitted?
Our intention is to submit the Reserved Matters Application in spring 2025.
What is your provision of affordable homes?
The scheme will provide a minimum of 35% affordable housing by habitable room, in line with the outline permission.
What measures will be taken to prevent sub-letting of affordable homes?
Affordable homes within the development will be closely monitored in accordance with tenancy agreements, which prohibit unauthorised sub-letting. This measure ensures that affordable housing remains accessible to those who genuinely need it. In addition, strict eligibility checks will be conducted to prevent misuse and maintain compliance with affordable housing policies.
With over 1,000 new homes, many more people will be driving around Cricklewood and using public transport. Has this been considered?
Yes, surveys have been undertaken to ensure that the development will not have an adverse impact on local road, traffic and transport infrastructure. This was part of the outline application.
Traffic and parking plans have also been produced to minimise impacts on existing residents. Car Club Parking Spaces will also be provided, and their availability will be adjusted based on usage demand and we are also promoting sustainable transport options, including cycling and pedestrian pathways, to ease traffic congestion.
The S106 agreement sets out provisions for improvements to the footway between the site and Cricklewood rail station and the construction of a new pedestrian crossing on Cricklewood Lane. The scheme will also contribute £100k to local bus improvement works.
What is your proposed approach to parking?
A Residential Car Parking Management Scheme (RCPMS) will be submitted to and approved by the Barnet Council to deliver appropriate levels of parking in line with standards, and in the interests of highway and pedestrian safety. The proposed number of parking spaces within the development would meet the needs of its users, and future residents would not be able to apply for parking permits to avoid spill-over onto nearby neighbouring streets. There will also be a planning obligation for a review of the controlled parking zones in the surrounding area.
What will happen to the current B&Q on the site?
We understand that the shop is important to people in the local area, however the outline planning application does not allow for a commercial unit large enough for the B&Q to remain on the site.
Who do I contact if I have questions?
You can contact our consultation engagement team by:
Emailing: BandQCricklewood@cavendishconsulting.com
Calling: 020 3398 1590
What are the consented building heights in the outline permission?
The outline permission gives the maximum building heights with reference to Above Ordnance Datum (AOD). The Ordnance Datum is the basis for all the land heights that appear on Ordnance Survey maps in the UK. To give a better understanding of what this means, the below summary shows the AOD for each component of the scheme alongside the indicative storeys:
Building A
- A1 +104.775m AOD, indicative height 14 storeys (Ground level +13 additional storeys)
- A1/A2 Link +95.050m AOD, indicative height 11 storeys (G+11)
- A2 +119.050m AOD, indicative height 18 storeys (G+17)
- A3 +99.700m AOD, indicative height 13 storeys (G+12)
- A4 +80.350m AOD, indicative height 7 storeys (G+6)
- Podium +61.600m AOD, indicative height between 1 and 2 storeys
Building B
- B1 +90.475m AOD, indicative height 10 storeys (G+9)
- B1 Shoulder +79.375m AOD, indicative height 7 storeys (G+6)
- B1/B2 Link +76.000m AOD, indicative height 6 storeys (G+5)
- B2 +93.850m AOD, indicative height 11 storeys (G+10)
- B2 Shoulder +85.825m AOD, indicative height 9 storeys (G+8)
- B2/B3 Link +76.000m AOD, indicative height between 1 and 2 storeys (G+5)
- B3 +100.300m AOD, indicative height 13 storeys (G+12)
- B3 Shoulder +89.200m AOD, indicative height 10 storeys (G+9)
- Podium B(A) +61.600m AOD, indicative height between 1 and 2 storeys
- Podium B(B) +61.600m AOD, indicative height between 1 and 2 storeys
Building C
- C1 +96.825m AOD, indicative height 12 storeys (G+11)
- C2 +116.475m AOD, indicative height 18 storeys (G+17)
- C2/C3 Link +92.175m AOD, indicative height 11 storeys (G+10)
- C3 +113.100m AOD, indicative height 17 storeys (G+16)
- C4 +100.200m AOD, indicative height 13 storeys (G+12)
- Podium C +62.100m AOD, indicative height between 1 and 2 storeys
Building D
- D1 +113.900m AOD, indicative height 16 storeys (G+15)
- D1/D2 Link +89.900m AOD, indicative height 9 storeys (G+8)
- D2 +110.525m AOD, indicative height 15 storeys (G+14)
- D3 +81.650m AOD, indicative height 7 storeys (G+6)
- Podium D +62.600m AOD, indicative height between 1 and 2 storeys
Please refer to the approved parameter plan for the block references.
Contact information
If you have any further questions then please feel free to get in contact with the consultation engagement team by:
Email: BandQCricklewood@cavendishconsulting.com
Call: 020 3398 1590